Did you know that drinking carbonated beverages can lead to back pain? The reason is simple: carbonation in beverages creates an acidic environment. After carbon dioxide is released from the drink, it reacts with the water to produce a weak acid known as carbonic acid. Carbonic acid burps up into the nose, where the nasal lining is sensitive. This causes a burning sensation in the mouth and nose.
People with IBS should avoid drinking carbonated beverages for two reasons. First, carbonation may increase the “hunger hormone” ghrelin, which can cause bloating. Carbonated water, on the other hand, can help curb bloating and increase the feeling of fullness. As a result, the person tends to eat fewer calories. As a result, this can lead to weight loss.
Another reason why carbonation causes throat pain is due to the chemical reactions it triggers. Carbonation causes things to taste sour and burn, and a 2009 study published in Science suggests that carbonation trips nerve cells in the tongue that detect sourness. Dental experts also believe that carbonation causes an outbreak of Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the bowel. Nearly 500 people in Scotland suffer from oral Crohn’s, and eighty per cent of them live in the west coast.
Another reason for carbonation causes tooth decay is the sugar content in soda. While soda is good for you, it has been shown that carbonation causes tooth decay. Experts recommend that we drink at least 64 ounces of water every day. Even flavored carbonated waters contain artificial flavoring. However, artificial sweeteners can add up to a large amount of sodium. Carbonated water does not affect dental enamel, but some artificial sweeteners contain high levels of sugar.