The salaries for software engineers in Germany are among the highest in Europe and are higher than the average for any capital city in the US or UK. It helps that German is not a necessary language for the job. Living costs in Berlin are moderate, but the salary for a software engineer in Berlin is EUR50,000 to EUR100,000+. The demand for software engineers in Berlin is extremely high, and the supply is sufficient.
Job opportunities
Software engineers in Germany have ample job opportunities in the country’s tech sector. The country is home to an exponentially growing start-up scene, making programming languages like Python, Ruby, and Java particularly popular. Applicants should know how to talk about completed projects and what critical situations they faced in those projects. A good experience in a programming language like Python will help in job interviews. German companies value professional experience from foreign countries.
A strong education in software engineering is important for success in Germany. German universities offer various specializations in this field. Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs are taught in English, but a command of German is necessary for enrollment. For further details, check out the University of Hamburg’s Computer Science degree program. Here, you will gain an in-depth understanding of various software languages. You will also learn Redis, relational databases, and much more.
Social security system is one of the few countries in the world with a robust social security system. The country is renowned for its generous social benefits, which extend to its foreign workers. Since the German welfare state was founded in the 1880s, workers in Germany are protected by a multitude of state insurance policies. In addition, the country offers generous annual leave policies and offers ten to thirteen weeks of paid vacation time. Unlike the US, where employers are not required to provide paid leave, Germany offers generous annual leave policies and social security.
Cost of living
While Germany is a highly competitive software engineering destination, the cost of living is generally relatively low. However, prices vary considerably between cities. For example, Berlin is much cheaper than Munich. If you’re on a fixed income, you’ll probably want to consider moving to a smaller city. And if you do decide to move to a larger city, you’ll likely find that it’s more affordable to live outside of the main cities.
Germany’s social security system is among the best in Europe. Workers automatically pay social security contributions, which cover unemployment benefits and medical costs if they fall sick. The average German household pays only 20% of their gross income to social security, and many employers offer a generous benefits package. Software engineers in Germany earn an average salary of EUR40,000 per year, and bonuses can push this figure up to six figures.
Internet speed
If you’re a software engineer, you’ve likely dealt with slow Internet connections in your day-to-day life. Luckily, the average internet speed in Germany is on the rise. In 2020, the country will have an average speed of 55 Mbps, almost double what it is today. This is higher than the US, which has an average speed of 18 to 50 Mbps depending on the state, and even better than India, where the average is just 13 Mbps.
The salary potential is also excellent, with many German companies willing to pay top salaries for software developers. But, some developers lack essential IT skills and expect high salaries. Still, the economy is undergoing a digital transformation, and almost every third of the companies posting job offers are looking for software developers. This means that companies from all industries are integrating software development into their business processes. This makes Germany a good place for software engineers, as the average speed is 92 Mbps, which is faster than many countries around the world.